TAPE Website and Centre Access Guide
Out website includes an accessibility tool to change the format, colour, font and sizing of the page to suit your needs.
You can find this on the right of your screen, click the blue button to open the accessibility tool.
It looks like this :

Getting to TAPE
TAPE: Community Music and Film is located just opposite a small play park off Berthes Road which is nearby to the bus stop on Abergele Road.
You have to navigate around a fence barrier designed to slow down incoming bikes and make your way past the play park and ballgames court which is often accompanied by the sound of families and children playing.
TAPE is signposted with an A-board and sign with a red background and white text outside of the front gate.
Here is a short video to help you find your way to TAPE:
Accessibility in TAPE’s building
The building has level access with accessible toilets located on the ground floor. The front door is sometimes kept closed for security reasons. There is a door buzzer which you need to press to be allowed access.
The front door is an old wooden church door and the handle can be quite fiddly. When the door unlocks you can hear and feel the buzzer. If you have any problems, someone from the office should appear shortly to let you in.
You do have to sign in on a tablet when you arrive into the building for safety reasons. If you struggle with this device a member of staff will support you.
See this promotional film for TAPE to give you a feel of the interior of the building:
If you have any other questions about access to TAPE or the website, please ring or email us on
01492 512 109
Creative Inclusion
Since 2008

Tel: 01492 512109
Charity number: 1151513
Berthes Rd, Old Colwyn
Colwyn Bay LL29 9SD