If you are unhappy with any element of TAPE’s service and you wish to make a complaint you can do so by:
Calling us on 01492 512 109, emailing us at info@tapemusicandfilm.co.uk or writing to us at TAPE Community Arts Centre, Berthes Road, Old Colwyn, Conwy, LL29 9SD
We will:
Acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days, naming the person who will be dealing with your complaint.
Aim to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction within 4 weeks
If you are not happy with this response you may request that your complaint is reviewed by TAPE’s board.
We will:
Acknowledge your request within 2 working days and give you the name of the person dealing with your complaint.
Respond in full within 2 weeks or provide a timeline for responding (including a schedule for updates) within 2 weeks if further investigation is required.
At any stage you can complain to the Charity Commission.
More information about the type of complaints that the Charity Commission can consider, can be found here: