The following testimonial from Cheryl really does highlight perfectly how a person can find their way into the activities of TAPE and discover so much more than that for which they initially got involved. Cheryl has brought so much to the film, loads of input and ideas behind the scenes, making the gargoyle painting which appears early on in the film and her performance as Jean, a challenge to which she rose with real determination. Thank you, Cheryl – for all of this.
“When I first joined TAPE, it was to get involved behind the scenes with the Approching Shadows film. I had also joined as part of my university course work experience placement. But I continued to go after my course had finished as I thoroughly enjoyed being part of this film production team, which was a community who would help you and bring out any skills you wanted to develop. I have made some new friends and social connections also I was offered a chance to play a part, which was called Jean. I jumped at the chance, although I had never done any acting before, this was fully enjoyable, and maybe scary at times, but all the team helped me through it and encouraged me I was doing fine. Given the chance to do this acting, I am glad I said yes, as it had given me more confidence and realization that I can do something new if you put your mind to it with the help of the TAPE community team. Thank you.”