Inclusion in practice means presenting opportunities in a manner which leave no-one excluded. It means creating spaces which are supportive where necessary, are person-centred and equitable. We work together, problem-solve together and create together, across every stage.
When I presented my script for Approaching Shadows to Andy and Roque (and ultimately into the TAPE process) I had the tables turned on me and was met with the same enthusiasm, support and encouragement that I have offered to others through my work at TAPE. It totally took me by surprise and it was a wonderful feeling to be on the receiving end of our support.

Throughout the entire production, I have stepped away from the role of writer in order to support the involvement of others into the process, even to the point of encouraging others to redraft scenes in support of ideas for their characters and the improvement of the film as a whole. I’ve supported people in so many different aspects of involvement in the production and it has been a genuine privilege to see how working in this way can enrich a story and the process of telling it, so dramatically.

One of my hopes for this film is that it will stand as a positive example of how working differently can support the creation of quality, original work and that others will feel encouraged to ‘risk’ adopting a genuinely inclusive production model and thereby create meaningful opportunities for a wider community of people.
Steve Swindon, TAPE co-founder.